Mitigating Canine Respiratory Illness in DogMa Homes

Understandably, we have been getting questions about the canine respiratory illness that has been in the national news recently.

Veterinarians do not know what the illness is - if it’s a bacteria or virus - so cannot isolate where the illness is or has been, despite news reports listing certain states. However, this illness is likely what was making the rounds earlier this summer and fall in our area, when kennels and larger boarding facilities were closing due to wet cough symptoms/spread.

Our team of DogMas are continuing to adhere to our high standard of cleanliness: changing and cleaning bowls between uses; laundering bedding continuously; using pet safe disinfectants on crates and other high traffic areas/items. DogMas are monitoring dogs they are picking up and caring for, for any symptoms associated with this or any illness : wheezing, coughing, drainage, difficulty breathing, lower energy, and reduced appetite. We are asking all clients to monitor for these symptoms and not send any symptomatic dogs to our homes for care.

As always, we strongly recommend dogs have the “core” respiratory vaccines such as Bordetella and canine influenza to protect themselves and those they may come into contact with. Consult your veterinarian with any questions specific to your pets.